31 October 2007


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated recently. My connection has been kinda fuzzy. =)
Here are some really really important things that you and your friends need to know.

We are having this thing called 'Clusters' on 4th nov. There are 3 Clusters. Clusters are like a few cg's combining to one forming a Cluster. Why they're having this they have yet to tell us but mostly is coz it's easier and all.

Now, we're in Cluster 1 which means that we have to dress in a certain attire to different shade us from the other 2 clusters. We are supposed to be wearing DOUBLE LAYER and SHADES.
Please tell your friends this. Be creative and funky as the're be best dressed competitions. (only for your friends. Sorry! :D Yup!

This was announced last week during youth so those who did not come, now u know. Another thing you need to know is if you're friends get saved during the altar call, you are supposed to accompany them down and procede to the right (in front) for follow-up. They will be given a form which they have to fill. So technically, every inviter must be responsible for your friends as you have to explain to them if they have any questions.

If, however you don't understand anything of above, please ask Me (sara), Mark, or Jeremy when we call you guys for Forecasts. You can call Ben or Christine if you want direct info.

Yes, dearies. You read the post that Christine posted I hope. Our cg's faith target it 60. Soooooo, I've calculated. since we have about 20 something members, each member has to bring at least 3 members to reach the target. yes! So, please pray pray pray that your friends can come. This is seriously and event they should NOT miss at all! They're going to have a blast. Gurranteed! Yup! Look up! You only have like 4 days more. Get going people! :)

30 October 2007






wohooo! aren't you excited? =D Yes that's right! We're having a third FCS (Friendship Connection Saturday) and it's just around the corner! Hang it there coz here are the EXPLOSIVE information about it!

Dates: 4th November (Sunday), 10th November (Saturday)

Time: 5.30pm-9.30pm (4/11/07), 10am-4.30pm (10/11/07)

Venue: Dream Centre, Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC)

Isn't that cool? Now, I bet you guys are wondering, ' How come there are two dates there?' Well, wonder no more! =) The reason why FCS3 is held on two days is because we just have absolutely so much happening stuff that we just can't fit in into two days! Yes! =) They're still one event which is FCS3 but just that it's split up into two days.

Now listen up ya'll. This is what's going to happen on the 4th November 2007.
It is going to be a concert style right here in our very own Dream Centre! Yup! We're gonna have game stalls, booths like tattoos, hairspray, picture booth, grafiti wall and more! Our cg and BU cg will be mending the hairspray+tattoo booth. More updates on that later. And here's the one thing everyone loves,

It's total FREE! =)

Yes you go that right! FOC. (free of charge) Free food and drinks too! And when you're done filling up yourself silly with food and fun, we're gonna have a concert in our auditorium itself at 7.30pm. There's going to be dance performance from City Harvest Church KL, CHEER, competitions, worship, our very own XYZ dance team, JUWITA SUWITO and a short sermon for ya'll! oh and...maybe our very own Jaclyn Victor! but thats a maybe anyway...

That's just warming up.

On the 10th November, we're gonna have a follow-up of 4th November with....Amazing Race! in our church itself. It's going ot be totally fun and they're gonna be great games and prizes to be won! Aren't you guys feeling excited already?? =)

BUT there's just some important facts that you just HAVE to take note of:

1) Invitations are going to be given through SMS/E-MAIL. These will be your entry passes to enter. So, no sms/e-mail, then sorry dude! (kidding...just make sure u GET one) However, if you DON'T have an e-mail/hp, please let your friends/ leaders (Christine/Ben) know coz we have postcards for you! =)

2) Join the friendster group/facebook called 'Friendship Connection'. This is really important for updates, etc. Invite your friends to join!

3) Doorgifts! Each cg has to think of something. So get ready your creative thinking caps ya'll coz we gotta chip in some ideas!

*phew* thats alot I've wrote.
We really NEED your cooperation to start inviting NOW! Yes, NOW! =) Remember, our aim is to see 1000 people coming for this event. So go crazy! Invite your whole class or tution centre! =) hehe...no seriously. You don't want your friends to miss out on this opportunity! So stay tuned for more info at http://www.dj-cell.blogspot.com/

Thanks for joining us. Feel free to leave a comment/drop by to say hi!

Thats all for now. Adios!

29 October 2007

Web Design

Dearest XYZ DJians,

It's been long since I've leave something here.

Hopefully by end of my this current semester (somewhere in mid-January), I will upgrade this blog to the new XML template that Blogger now uses. This will allow better and easier layout customization...

And of course there will be that oh so new design coming up!

But of course, if you can, take lots of good pictures about the cell group and then send it to me @ djcellgroup (at) gmail (dot) com.

And if you want to throw in some design ideas...


If you think you can out-design me, please kindly send in your proposed entries (drawn, painted, whatever...) to the email address stated above. It will definitely be taken into account....

No prizes here, but may the best design win!

disclaimer: the admin will not be responsible if your design idea generation should take up study time. so i suggest you only generate ur ideas after ur major exams.


24 October 2007


Hey u wonderful bunch of SMDJ happening people! :)

Holidays are up and about (except for the f5's but not worries, hang in there!) & XYZ (DUMC) is here to SAVE THE DAY with happening programs & events specially for YOU & YOUR

Yup, we have our LOUD! concert coming up with lotsa surprises install for ya. Besides what Sara has already posted in the previous entry, we have many more things lined up for ya, all happening on Nov 4th, 2007. So what are you waiting for? Get your LOUD! concert entry pass TODAY! Entry's are only by sms, email print outs or postcard. If you don't have any of these yet, please grab any SMDJ-ians who's from DUMC and get them to send one to you! :)

And to my fellow SMDJ cg members, PLEASE QUICKLY GO INVITE YOUR FRIENDS FOR THIS FCS 3 EVENT!!! Our cg's faith target for friends = 60!! Think SMDJ can bring 60 friends for LOUD! & D'Race?!?! I so believe so cos...


23 October 2007

FCS Craze

Heya fellas! It's been Almost one week since I blogged. How have you guys been doing, eh? =) Yes, yes school is as boring as hell. But hey, we have something exciting to look forward to, yeah? ;)

I hope you guys have already started inviting your friends. Coz in case you didn't realize, it's 12 more days to 4th November! Not much time people! So getcha butt moving! =)

For those of you who have already invited some friends, don't stop! Keep going! =)) Remember, you want to see as many people as possible coming right?
And for those (ahem) who have NOT yet invited their friends, I strongly encourage you to start NOW. Every minute counts people!


btw..I think I'm going to put a countdowm thingy in this blog. :)

10 October 2007

Freedom for you!

Hey kids! Freedom for form3's eh.. Heh ;)

Since you're like super free now, please feel free to blog and post something here and liven things up! It really needs your contribution. =)

Btw, I miss you all last Sat. And unfortunately, I won't be around again this coming Sat cos the CGL's and some of the adult leaders will be away at XYZ leader's planning. So ppl, behave ya. And don't give Ben & Ming Ern a hard time! ;)


01 October 2007



lol..i'm high bm was hard...wahahahaha.....

so anyway.....pray forrrr....

Jia Yi
Wei En

we are the bunch of sad jokers that are sitting for pmr...we shall party like a rockstar after it's done...soooo...WAAHAHAHAHAHA...zzzzzz
