23 October 2007

FCS Craze

Heya fellas! It's been Almost one week since I blogged. How have you guys been doing, eh? =) Yes, yes school is as boring as hell. But hey, we have something exciting to look forward to, yeah? ;)

I hope you guys have already started inviting your friends. Coz in case you didn't realize, it's 12 more days to 4th November! Not much time people! So getcha butt moving! =)

For those of you who have already invited some friends, don't stop! Keep going! =)) Remember, you want to see as many people as possible coming right?
And for those (ahem) who have NOT yet invited their friends, I strongly encourage you to start NOW. Every minute counts people!


btw..I think I'm going to put a countdowm thingy in this blog. :)

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