09 October 2008

This week

We're having ZC!

A Brazillian team of 16 people will

be coming to perform and have testimonies. They're really good in dances and peformance arts. So do come this Sat!

Remember to invite your friends for LOUD! Just so you know, the promo video is out already on Youtube! Please send the link to the rest of your oikoses (your inivites). Tell them it's just a teezer and the REAL thing is gonna be in LOUD!

All the best to you PMR takers! Don't stress! DO your best and let God do the rest! ;)

You guys can do it. So study smart, chillax, don't burn the midnight oil-sleep early! haha..

And to the rest of the other examers, all the best to you too!

That's all for now. Ciaoz

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