25 November 2008

Christmas Party!

Hey guys,

As per discussed last Sat, here are the details for our cg christmas bbq/pool party.. :)

Date: 20th Dec 08 (Sat)
Time: 5pm onwards..
Venue: Jeremy's hse, Kiara park condo TTDI (TBC)

PIC: Wei En, Sara & Jia Yi
- Food (chicken wings, beef, sausages, mashmallows, banana+choc, fish (kembung), bread, beehoon, fruit salad, sandwhiches, honey, butter, mustard, bbq sauce...)
- Drinks (any kind of fizzy drinks)
- Ice
- Utensils

PIC: Julian, Jeremy, Mark Ng
- Marinating of food
- BBQ-ing the food
- charcoal
- fire starter

PIC: Ai Lee & Xue Li
- door gifts
- gift exchange

PIC: Mark C & Seng Loh
- ice-breakers
- games
- entertainment (sing christmas carols?)

* ALL must bring at least ONE non-christian friend ya.
* It's just a party with games, fun & bonding... There'll be no sharing so dont worry. :) Casual wear as it's a pool party and bbq style.

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