17 December 2008

20th of December :) SATURDAY

HEY guys !! about the party thingy is on 20th5pm to 10pm. As Christine said whoever needs transport pls call Ben or ... . We have to pay RM20 for cleaning the place after we use so means that we can dirty the place(YES) but not the POOL(NO). Anyway my friend's mum has given them deposit RM300 so pls pls pls dun spoil anything there:) just to let u all know.. the RM20 we separate to 10 so each of us pay RM2 :) and remember bring at least 2 present(around RM5) to exchange and bring FRIENDS dun care Christian or non-christian X). GO GO GO !!!and SENG LOH here :)hope to hear from u guys soon !! ciao"

PIC: Wei En, Sara & Jia Yi..
- Food (chicken wings, beef, sausages, mashmallows, banana+choc, fish (kembung), bread, beehoon, fruit salad, sandwhiches, honey, butter, mustard, bbq sauce...)
- Drinks (any kind of fizzy drinks)
- Ice
- Utensils

PIC: Julian, Jeremy, Mark Ng
- Marinating of food
- BBQ-ing the food
- charcoal
- fire starter

PIC: Ai Lee & Xue Li
- door gifts
- gift exchange

PIC: Mark C & Seng Loh
- ice-breakers
- games
- entertainment (sing christmas carols?)

MackNg or Jeremy pls bring Vincent along:)

* ALL must bring at least ONE non-christian friend ya.
* It's just a party with games, fun & bonding... There'll be no sharing so dont worry. :) Casual wear as it's a pool party and bbq style.

still got anything dunno pls call me..CALL not MSG. 0129343547 Seng Loh. Rihana Green Condo.5pm - 10pm ^^

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