Hey hey peepz!
It's been ages since I've last blogged here!
Yeah, yeah the blog is dying. But we shall revive it! *hehe*
Alright so, guess what? We're going to embark on a brand new journey for the next month!
We're not going to have the normal worship, word, read bible sessions in cg.
Nope. :) We're going to be doing a series called...
No, it is not boring..seriously. Just read on a lil' more..
Each cell group is given a person (man/woman) of faith that we have to research on and present a sorta like srcapbook as the end result.
So eg we're given Mel Gibson (EXAMPLE), so we research on
his biography, what are the things he did, why was he so and so,
and it goes on.
At the end of it, we need to have a scrapbook of 20 pages and a media
presentation (3-5 min) as a summary of the entire project.
Aren't you just interested already? ;)
There's more!
They have PRIZES for the top three groups as well as consolation prizes!
at the end of it all, they're going to compile every cg's srcapbook into one book
to produce...*drum rolls*
our very own copy for each and every one of us!
(Christine said) If every cg's one is good, we might even sell the book!
Cool, right? ;))
ALL of us are going to be part of this exciting project!
(yeah I'm supposed to hype you guys up)
We'll be meeting at EHOP Room. This is going
to be our permanent room from now onwards :)
Same time 2-4pm
PLEASE be on time. meaning, 2 pm SHARP! ;))
Yup. That's the very very summarised and brief version
Christine will feed your brains with more info!
Cheers dearies and thank you for your time!
xoxo :)