15 September 2008

LOUD! 2008

Hey peeps, LOUD! 2008 is coming up! =)

You were given the cute tiny flyers. Remember to write friends name and note inside (so that is would be more personal..) and pass it to them ASAP! If you've not gotten the cute tiny flyers, please ask Sara Pang for them cos she has tons of them. =P

Ok.. I also need all of YOU to do this for me... I need your oikos/friends names. Basically, think of who you want to call/invite/bug/force?(hehe..) to come for LOUD! 2008. Please email me (onglingai@yahoo.com) & Ben (ben.siew@gmail.com) the names of your oikos/friends. Also include their email address & hp numbers. You are not limited to the number of friends you can invite so just feel free to email me 100 names if you want. But just make sure the 100 names are also complete with their email add & hp number. ;)

I need this info latest by this Thurs (18/09/08), midnight. So you have exactly 3 full days to do this. You know your friends, you should have their contacts so I know this won't be so difficult for you. However, if you have not invited them but do want to, just include their names in too ya. =)

Last but not least, let's start praying hard!! I know the barrier of exams are already surfacing. But with God, nothing is impossible, amen? So if you want to see your friends have a great, fun & exciting time in LOUD! 2008, let's start praying for open doors, for opportunities, for favor from parents, for boldness & the right words to say to them. You guys are the best, so I know you all can do it!! =)

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